Friday, 17 August 2012

Chhadiya Chann Samundron Par - Episode 31

RajshriPunjabi: \"chhadiya chann samundron par\" narrates the gulf between the indian and western lifestyles and beliefs and how a family of traditional punjabi family tries to adjust to a young (and vice versa) born and raised in another country. it is a story of gurdial singh, who migrates to punjab during the partition and sets up a strong business empire with his hard work and perseverance. the strong enmity between his sons is the main cause of tension and turbulence in his life. the entry of simran, a girl brought up in the west, as gurdial singh\'s grandson\'s wife, marks a change in this estranged family. episode synopsis : family is upset due to rahul leaving for his home, but gets shocked to see the love of envy relatives for rahul. manpreet had kept a letter in rahul\'s wallet expressing her feelings for him, which by mistake is left on the table by him. family\'s caretaker handovers rahul\'s wallet to balbir. while checking rahul\'s wallet, balbir comes to know manpreet\'s feelings and her love for him. balbir decides to make fun of manpreet\'s feelings by showing her love letter to hardev singh. subscribe to our channel & stay tuned: do join our facebook page follow us on twitter Chhadiya Chann Samundron Par - Episode 31

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